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What happened to the nuclear disaster in Japan?


In late 2010, early 2011, there was a massive earthquake off the coast of Japan. A nuclear reactor was damaged nearby in Japan. I heard the area was evacuated and they were trying hard to prevent a nuclear disaster.
Sometime late, I forgot all about it. Now, what happened to it? What state is it in right now?

Chosen Answer:

it faded from our minds, unless you’re affected or someone you know is affected it’s about as relevant or important to you as knowing that there’s starving people in north korea or people being jailed for their beliefs in china. (and all the other crap that you know is wrong but just ignore it)

current status: like any major disaster recovery is slow and crippled by lack of government or action by TEPCO (the power company responsible). once the story fades from media highlight and they were presented to be caring and working hard ot fix it, it’s like they breathe a big sigh of relief and then shove the issue under the rug.

tepco has made very little progress, they claim they’re “struggling” to fix the problem. more like dragging their feet!
there’s almost no excuse for it, not in an age of global communication & cooperation, if they’re lost they can ask for help on the internet, and i’m sure millions or billions of people will chime in and maybe one of those answers could be the solution. now with no more soviet union they can ask for help from almost any county or the UN if they’re lacking the personnel or expertise.

the power company claims it will take decades to complete the investigation because the site is so damaged. sounds like a load of BS. i understand if it’s not approachable due to radiation- get a robot to do it. Japan is a leader in humanoid robotics. there should be no shortage of finding a robot, armoring it against radiation, and sent it into the hot zone.
Same goes for cleanup, they got robots, why not use them. the longer that stuff is unmanaged the worse it’ll get!

Japan government takes part of the blame too, they keep lying and lying. they repeatedly downplayed the severity of the situation. they have already made a grave error during the disaster when they failed to communicate how damaged the nuke plant was and its major problems. they should be truthful now. I thought japan was better than this.
the government has also done little to help those displaced by the disaster, mostly living in motels or relatives. i think the government thinks people can hold out thru 2017- 4 more years- to return to their homes in the contaminated area. very little has been done to reduce radiation in the contaminated areas. they are relying on weather to handle it… fallout will be carried away by rainwater and contaminate soil, aquifers, lakes and ocean. it doesn’t decay to safe (background) levels for like 20,000 years. it appears to be dissipating… that’s because it’s being diluted by wind and rain, and most of it going into the dirt!
farmers will be severely impacted, local plants may die or the animals that eat the plants will probably die. it will eventually be found in groundwater or food and by then it would be too big a mess to fix.

currently residents may visit their homes in the affected areas however cannot stay overnight. that means they’re still displaced. compensation for land and property lost to either the disaster or fukushima has been slow
by: jack of some trades
on: 14th April 13

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